Welcome to Eprints@NML


It is the official Open Access repository of CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory. Locally produced research outputs - Journal papers, conference papers, reports, theses, patents etc. - are uploaded here by NML authors. Interested users can freely download and use documents as most of them are directly accessible and full-text downloadable. 'Request eprint' forms can be used for documents to which direct full-text download is restricted due to publisher embargo. Thanks for using the repository!


It is an institutionally defined repository. Only CSIR-NML scientists, scholars, students and staff can upload documents in the repository. Here is Detailed Repository Policy note.

Head of the Department

Dr. Sarmishtha Palit Sagar, Chief Scientist, Information Management & Dissemination Centre, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur

Repository Administrator

Dr. A.K. Sahu, Senior Technical Officer (3), Research Planning & Business Development Division, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur



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