Special Issue on Corrosion and Coating Technology

Singh, Raghuvir and Mandal, G K and Bhagat, A N and Misra, Siddhartha (2024) Special Issue on Corrosion and Coating Technology. Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 77p. . pp. 1247-1248.

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Corrosion causes the deterioration of metals and alloys by the chemical or electrochemical reaction with their surrounding or service environment. During the process of corrosion, the candidate alloy which generates electrons accompanied by loss of metal ions becomes an anode whereas the electrode at which electrons are consumed by the chemical species (such as H+ and O2) becomes a cathode in corrosive media. While corrosion is one among the several factors that cause the failure of the components, it is often the only life-limiting attribute. Failure of the components and infrastructures due to corrosion and associated reasons enormously impacts the industries and society at large.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://10.1007/s12666-024-03318-8
Uncontrolled Keywords:Corrosion, deterioration of metals, corrosive media, corrosion and coating technology, thermal barrier coatings, hot/molten salt corrosion
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:9524
Deposited On:09 May 2024 13:20
Last Modified:09 May 2024 13:49
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