Production of high carbon ferromanganese using low-temperature carbonization coke Katkona Colliers of Madhya Pradesh

Bhatnagar, P P and Subramanian, M and Ganguly, R G and Subrahmanyam, N and Yedavalli, B V S and Bhoray, S S (1970) Production of high carbon ferromanganese using low-temperature carbonization coke Katkona Colliers of Madhya Pradesh. Other (TMP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur.

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The feasibility of using low-temperature carbonized coke of Katkona seam no.1 and no.3 of Madhya Pradesh in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese was studied in the 500 kVA submerged Arc electric furnace. Initially, Durgapur hard coke was used as a reducing agent in establishing the basic parameter in the production of high carbon ferro-manganese and subsequently, the performance was assessed by replacing Durgapur coke with 33%, 66%, and 100% L.T.C. seam no.3 and 100% seam no.1 respectively. With L.T.C. coke of both seams, the operation of the furnace was found relatively good. Using L.T.C. seam no.3, ferromanganese containing 75.86-76.16% Mn, 0.2%-0.49% Si,6.8-7.2% C was produced with a power consumption of 2733 KWHr per tonne of ferromanganese.

Item Type:Project Reports (Other (TMP))
Uncontrolled Keywords:Production of high-carbon ferromanganese, carbonization, coke Katkona colliers of Madhya Pradesh, ferroalloy, high phosphorous, electrothermal smelting
Divisions:Information Management and Dissemination Centre
ID Code:9490
Deposited On:19 Feb 2024 16:24
Last Modified:28 Feb 2024 15:22
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