Finite element evaluation of fracture toughness and crack propagation in LB-PBF AlSi10Mg

Chakrabarty, A and Sahu, R and Kumar, A and Bar, H N and Hitzler, L and Khutia, N (2023) Finite element evaluation of fracture toughness and crack propagation in LB-PBF AlSi10Mg. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 35(2) . pp. 677-697.

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Fracture toughness properties of additively manufactured (AM) AlSi10Mg were explored computationally in this work. FE investigation of a previous experimental work on AlSi10Mg involving varying building directions was explored through critical crack opening displacement (COD), stationary crack method and extended finite element method (XFEM). Load-displacement curves for each of the varying build cases were simulated using COD method. The knife-edge displacements from the COD models were used in separately created stationary crack models to simulate the J resistance behaviour of the models. The simulated J curves could capture the anisotropy due to the varying build conditions, and the fracture toughness values correlate well with experimental results. Further, XFEM models were created at specimen scale and a meso-scale, respectively, using a 'sub-modelling' approach. The meso-scale model could legitimately predict the crack path reported in the literature for similar build conditions. Also, a better understanding of the crack propagation behaviour in AlSi10Mg was achieved. A novel modelling strategy was established which could help in future for AM designs.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://10.1007/s00161-023-01206-y
Uncontrolled Keywords:Crack propagation analysis, AlSi10Mg, fracture toughness, LB-PBF, laser melted AlSi10Mg, mechanical-properties, heat-treatment, alloy, microstructure, behavior, partition, growth
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:9386
Deposited By:HOD KRIT
Deposited On:02 Nov 2023 10:23
Last Modified:02 Nov 2023 10:23
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