Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation During Induration of Hematite Ore Pellet

Ammasi, A and Pal, Jagannath (2022) Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation During Induration of Hematite Ore Pellet. Mining Metallurgy & Exploration .

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Hematite ore pellets require a much higher induration temperature than magnetite ore pellets because no exothermic heat is generated due to oxidation inside during induration-like magnetite pellets. Carbon is used as in situ heat source in hematite ore pellets which can reduce temperature requirement in the induration strand and hence decreases energy consumption. Many investigators have reported that a 0.8-1.25% addition of carbon in hematite pellets can improve the pellet properties also. However, to investigate the exact role of carbon in hematite pellets, its reaction mechanisms and kinetics study are required which have not been done so far. Therefore, the reaction mechanism and its kinetics have been studied in this investigation. It has been found that carbon reaction happens in pellets from the surface towards the center in a topochemical manner which is controlled by pore diffusion of gas, and its activation energy is around 52 k J mol(-1). It is also found that apart from in situ heat, carbon in hematite pellets enhances diffusion bonding which improves pellet properties. This study ascertains the exact role of carbon in hematite pellets which may help operators to use carbon effectively to reduce energy consumption and improve pellet properties.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://10.1007/s42461-022-00692-z
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hematite ore pellet, induration, carbon, kinetics, diffusion bond, mill scale, quality
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:9317
Deposited By:Dr Mita Tarafder
Deposited On:07 Dec 2022 11:31
Last Modified:07 Dec 2022 11:31
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