Proposals for a beneficiation Plant of capacity 100 tons/day to treat the ferruginous manganese ore from Siljora Kalimati Area, Orissa

Subramanya, G V and Sengupta, B L and Narayanan, P I A (1959) Proposals for a beneficiation Plant of capacity 100 tons/day to treat the ferruginous manganese ore from Siljora Kalimati Area, Orissa. Other (TMP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur.

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On behalf of M/s. Rungta Sons (Private) Ltd. investigations were undertaken in the National Metallurgical Laboratory on the possibilities of beneficiating the low grade ferruginous manganese ores from their Siljora-Kalimati mines located in Keonjhar district of Orissa. Successful Semi-pilot Plant investigations carried out in the National Metallurgical Laboratory on the application of the low temperature gaseous reduction process for the beneficiation of their low grade manganese ore from the basis the recommendations for setting up a commercial upgrading with a capacity of 100 tons per day initially.

Item Type:Project Reports (Other (TMP))
Uncontrolled Keywords:Siljora Kalimati area, ferruginous manganese ore, reduction process, iron to magnetite, manganese sulphate
Divisions:Information Management and Dissemination Centre
ID Code:9218
Deposited On:06 Sep 2022 15:03
Last Modified:06 Sep 2022 15:03
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