Single potential step chronoamperometry for EC' reaction at rough electrodes: Theory and experiment

Kumar, Ratnesh and Goel, Himanshi and Jha, S K and Kumar, Shailendra and Kant, Rama (2022) Single potential step chronoamperometry for EC' reaction at rough electrodes: Theory and experiment. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 905 .

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The theory is developed for the chronoamperometry of first order homogeneous catalytic chemical reaction coupled with electron transfer (EC') on a rough electrode. We obtained a solution for the diffusion problem on an arbitrary and random topography of the electrode to generalize Danckwerts' equation. Derived equation of random electrode roughness is used for developing theory of (statistically isotropic) self-affine fractal on limited length scales. The characteristics fractal morphological parameters, viz. D-H, l and l(tau), are varied for detailed analysis of current transient. The current transient shows anomalously enhanced response for a rough electrode. Our theoretical results explain both transient and steady-state behavior of the current response under the influence of roughness. The anomalous enhancement of steady-state current is only observed when RMS roughness is greater than bulk reaction-diffusion length (L-k). Finally, the theory is compared and validated with experimental data of ferrocyanide and ascorbic acid coupled system on rough Pt electrodes.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://10.1016/j.jelechem.2021.115899
Uncontrolled Keywords:EC ' mechanism, stochastic and finite fractal electrode, single potential step chronoamperometry, diffusion limited charge transfer, CV and SEM method, arbitrary topography electrode, homogeneous chemical-reactions, optically transparent rough, reversible charge-transfer, surface-roughness, reaction-rates, experimental validation, spherical electrodes, solution resistance, digital-simulation
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:8904
Deposited By:Dr Mita Tarafder
Deposited On:08 Jun 2022 15:36
Last Modified:08 Jun 2022 15:36
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