A Study of Hirri, Hardi and Baraduar dolomites for use in the shaft kilns at Hindustan Steel Limited, Rourkela

Rao, M R K and Sen, P C and Bhaskar Rao, H V (1961) A Study of Hirri, Hardi and Baraduar dolomites for use in the shaft kilns at Hindustan Steel Limited, Rourkela. Other (TMP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur.

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This investigation on the sintering and firing characteristics of dolomites was taken up at the instance of Hindustan Steel Limited for use in shaft kilns installed in their steel plant at Rourkela. In an earlier report, the authors studied Hirri dolomite obtained from Hindustan Steel Limited, Rourkela and gave certain recommendations for their use in vertical shaft kiln. It was felt that the quality of representative dolomites from different pits of the Hirri area may be further studied for a full assessment of the nature and suitability of these deposits for burning in the shaft kilns. Accordingly, several samples of dolomites from different pits from Hirri and from Hardi, adjacent to Hirri, as well as from Baraduar in Madhya Pradesh were supplied by the Hindustan Steel Ltd., and by Messrs. Friedrich Siemens Ltd., for undertaking requisite investigations.

Item Type:Project Reports (Other (TMP))
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hirri, Hardi and Baraduar dolomites, characteristics of dolomites, mineralogy, differential thermal analysis
Divisions:Information Management and Dissemination Centre
ID Code:8618
Deposited On:21 Mar 2022 17:28
Last Modified:10 Jun 2022 14:18
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