Experiments on controlled grinding of I.C.C. copper ore to reduce the quantity of slime

Dasgupta, P K and Narayanan, P I A (1954) Experiments on controlled grinding of I.C.C. copper ore to reduce the quantity of slime. Other (TMP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur.

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Earlier work done in the National Metallurgical Laboratory on the concentration of uranium from I.C.C.’S flotation tailing had indicated that the uranium minerals were present In such a fine state that about 65 percent it was in the -200 mesh fraction and much of it was lost in the form of slime during tabling operation which was found to be the best method of concentrating uranium. Consequently, recovery of uranium by tailing was low. It was, therefore, felt that coarser grinding for copper flotation might yield a tailing with less slime and so give a higher uranium recovery by tailing. It was anticipated that this might result in increased copper loss during flotation, but this was not copper being recovered from the table concentrate or middling during the uranium .At a conference convened by Dr. D.N.Wadia, Geological Adviser to the Atomic Energy Commission at New Delhi on 16th July 1953, it was decided that Mr.P.K. Gupta, should take up this problem in collaboration with the National Metallurgical Laboratory.

Item Type:Project Reports (Other (TMP))
Uncontrolled Keywords:Geological Adviser to the Atomic Energy Commission, controlled grinding of I.C.C. copper ore, uranium, flotation, reduce the quantity of slime
Divisions:Information Management and Dissemination Centre
ID Code:8570
Deposited On:01 Apr 2022 14:54
Last Modified:16 Jun 2022 14:13
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