Novel observation of dominant role of strain rate over strain during pre-straining on corrosion behaviour of 304L austenitic stainless steel

Kishore, Kaushal and Chandan, A K and Sahoo, Biraj K and Meena, L K (2022) Novel observation of dominant role of strain rate over strain during pre-straining on corrosion behaviour of 304L austenitic stainless steel. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 277 .

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Pre-straining at different strain-rate is usually carried out during forming of 304L stainless steel (SS) which can affect its corrosion behaviour. A systematic study on the effect of strain-rate in conjunction with pre-strain on electrochemical corrosion behaviour of 304L SS is elucidated for the first time. Prior deformation (10% and 30%) resulted in either beneficial or detrimental effect on the corrosion and pitting resistance depending up on the imposed strain-rate. A novel observation of improved corrosion resistance at higher strain-rate is attributed to differences in strain-rate dependent evolution of microstructure and substructure. This work suggests that the corrosion behaviour of 304L SS is a stronger function of strain-rate compared to the strain and from the microstructure viewpoint, it depends on the complex interplay between dislocation density, deformation-induced martensite, coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundary and, crystallographic texture.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.125522
Uncontrolled Keywords:Austenitic stainless steel; strain-rate; corrosion; pre-strain; dislocation density; induced phase-transformation; mechanical-; work; sensitization; deformation; resistance
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:8489
Deposited On:25 Jan 2022 15:44
Last Modified:25 Jan 2022 15:44
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