Development of Hydrometallurgical Process for Recovery of Rare Earth Metals (Nd, Pr, and Dy) from Nd-Fe-B Magnets

Choubey, Pankaj K and Singh, Nityanand and Panda, Rekha and Kumar, J Rajesh and Yoo, Kyoungkeun and Park, Ilhwan and Jha, Manis K (2021) Development of Hydrometallurgical Process for Recovery of Rare Earth Metals (Nd, Pr, and Dy) from Nd-Fe-B Magnets. Metals .

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Non-availability of rich primary resources of rare earth metals (REMs) and the generation of huge amounts of discarded magnets containing REMs, compelled the researchers to explore the possibilities for the recovery of REMs from discarded magnets. Therefore, the present paper reports the recovery of REMs (Nd, Pr, and Dy) from discarded Nd-Fe-B magnets. The process consists of demagnetization, pre-treatment, and hydrometallurgical processing to recover REMs as salt. Leaching studies indicate that 95.5% Nd, 99.9% Pr, and 99.9% Dy were found to be dissolved at the optimized experimental condition i.e., acid concentration 2 M H2SO4 , temperature 75 ◦C, pulp density 100 g/L, and mixing time 60 min. Solvent extraction technique was tried for the selective extraction/separation of REMs and Fe. The result indicates that 99.1% (24.42 g/L) of Nd along with 90% (1.08 g/L) of Pr and total Fe were co-extracted using 35% Cyanex 272 at organic to aqueous (O/A) ratio 1/1, eq. pH 3.5 in 10 min of mixing time. It requires multistage separation and therefore, not feasible in view of economics. Thus, direct precipitation of REMs salt and iron oxide as pigment was studied using two stages of precipitation at different pH. The obtained precipitate of REMs and Fe hydroxides were dried separately to remove the moisture and further treated at elevated temperature to get pure REMs oxide and red oxide.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://10.3390/met11121987
Uncontrolled Keywords:REMs; secondary resources; recycling; pre-treatment; hydrometallurgy; Nd-Fe-B magnet
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:8475
Deposited By:Dr. MK Jha
Deposited On:29 Dec 2021 11:56
Last Modified:29 Dec 2021 11:56

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