Kumari, Beena and Madhukar, Anuradha and Chattoraj, Indranil (2020) E-Profiling R&D Involvement/Earnings of Researchers: A G2E Tool for Performance Management at CSIR-NML. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (previously Work Study), Online .
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CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML) has launched a number of initiatives in different perspectives of e-Government. The ‘Mandays-Involvement’ website was implemented by the laboratory in Government to Employee (G2E) perspective i.e. facilitating its R&D Manpower by providing data with respect to their own performance parameters through a single window. The development & implementation of the website had two major objectives : (1) to provide a system to the researchers for tracking and improving their own performance with respect to mandays and External Cash Flow (ECF) generation (2) to equip the management with a tool to enhance the organizational performance and enable optimum employee utilization. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach was followed for the web-based system development and Iterative model was used. Open source web development tools i.e. Php, My-Sql and CSS were used for the system development. The new system helped in detailed profiling of current and future assignment of the researchers so as to have a check over preference based allocation of work and providing equal opportunities of work to all. The percentage average mandays utilization was stabilized after the implementation of the website. The percentage under and over engagements of researchers in R&D projects was controlled and reduced. The system outputs are utilized for R&D Team formation, Project approvals and Annual Performance Evaluations. This new information system acts as a Decision Support System (DSS) that helps the management to align its organizational policies towards the Future Research Projects and R&D Manpower.
Item Type: | Article |
Official URL/DOI: | https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.110... |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | R&D Performance, Mandays Involvement, G2E, R&D Manpower Planning, HRIS, Web-Based Information Management System |
Divisions: | Business Development and Monitoring Director Office |
ID Code: | 8142 |
Deposited By: | Beena Kumari |
Deposited On: | 21 May 2020 11:30 |
Last Modified: | 17 May 2021 14:22 |
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