One-Pot Synthesis of Gel Glass Embedded with Luminescent Silicon Nanoparticles

Das , B and Hossain, S M and Pramanick, A K and Dey, A and Ray, M (2019) One-Pot Synthesis of Gel Glass Embedded with Luminescent Silicon Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(2) . pp. 2507-2515.

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Preparation of highly luminescent glasses involves expensive and complicated processes and usually requires high temperature. In this work, we show that luminescent silicon (Si) nanoparticle (NP)- embedded silicate gel glasses can be developed under near-ambient conditions by a remarkably simple, one-pot strategy, without using any sophisticated instrumentation or technique. Simultaneous hydrolysis and reduction of (3aminopropyl)triethoxysilane leads to the formation of colloidal Si nanocrystals that can be transformed to a glassy phase upon slow evaporation followed by freezing. Structural investigations reveal the formation of a sodium silicate gel glass framework having discernible shear bands, along with embedded Si NPs. High photoluminescence quantum yield (ca. 35-40%), low glass-transition temperature (T-g approximate to 66-73 degrees C), strain-tolerant mechanical stability, and inexpensive preparation make the glass attractive for applications as display materials and photonic converters.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:silicon; nanoparticles; gel glass; luminescence; photon conversion;One-Step Synthesis; Shear Bands; Transition Temperature; Quantum Dots; Oxide; Si; Photoluminescence; Nanocrystals; Nanostructures; Nanocomposite
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7915
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:26 Sep 2019 07:54
Last Modified:20 Jul 2020 14:45
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