Evolution of Microstructure in a Low-Si Micro-alloyed Steel Processed Through One-Step Quenching and Partitioning

Bansal, G K and Pradeep, M and Ghosh, C and Rajnikanth, V and Srivastava, V C and Bhagat, A N and Kundu, S (2019) Evolution of Microstructure in a Low-Si Micro-alloyed Steel Processed Through One-Step Quenching and Partitioning. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , 50(2) (IF-1.985). pp. 547-555.

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An attempt has been made in the current study to investigate the possibility of austenite retention in 0.5 wt pct Si steel without Al, processed through the one-step Q&P technique. The XRD and microstructural analysis confirmed austenite retention (maximum of 5.73 ± 0.16 vol pct), which showed thin film and blocky morphologies. The experimental amount of retained austenite was found to increase with the increasing quench temperature; however, it was almost independent of partitioning time. The carbon content in the retained austenite did not show any significant variation, after Q&P treatment for different time–temperature combinations. The hardness was found to be sensitive to quench temperature than the partitioning time.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-018-5039-8
Uncontrolled Keywords:Q-And-P; Mechanical-Properties; Tensile Properties; Austenite; Temperature; Martensite; Carbide; Silicon; Transformation; Behavior
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7911
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:24 Sep 2019 15:32
Last Modified:18 Jun 2020 10:25
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