A Simplified Procedure to Determine Post-necking True Stress–Strain Curve from Uniaxial Tensile Test of Round Metallic Specimen Using DIC

Paul, S K and Roy, S and Sivaprasad, S and Tarafder, S (2018) A Simplified Procedure to Determine Post-necking True Stress–Strain Curve from Uniaxial Tensile Test of Round Metallic Specimen Using DIC. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 27(9) (IF-1.094). pp. 4893-4899.

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Triaxial state of stress is usually generated in the necked zone because of neck geometry, and as a consequence proper correction of true tensile stress–strain curve after necking is mandatory. Various correction factors like Bridgman, Davidenkov and Spiridonova, Siebel and Schwaigere are available in the published literature to calculate true stress from mean axial stress. Similarly true strains can be calculated from the minimum diameters of the round specimen in the necked region for various true stress levels. But experimental determination of correction factors and minimum diameters of the round specimen in the necked region is a cumbersome task. This investigation shows a simplified procedure to determine true strains and the correction factors from digital image correlation-based local strain measurement in the necked region. The present procedure is validated by experimental results of rail steel.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-018-3566-5
Uncontrolled Keywords:correction factor; digital image correlation; finite element analysis; necking; true stress–strain curve
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7903
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:19 Sep 2019 12:57
Last Modified:19 Sep 2019 12:57
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