Effect of Martensite Volume Fraction on Strain Partitioning Behavior of Dual Phase Steel

Rana, A K and Paul, S K and Dey, P P (2018) Effect of Martensite Volume Fraction on Strain Partitioning Behavior of Dual Phase Steel. Physical Mesomechanics , 21(4) (IF-1.551). pp. 333-340.

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Monotonic deformation behavior of ferrite-martensite dual phase steels with martensite volume of 13-43% have been analyzed in the current investigation using micromechanics based finite element simulation on representative volume elements. The effects of martensite volume fraction on the strain partitioning behavior between soft ferrite matrix and hard martensite islands in dual phase steels during tensile deformation have been investigated. As a consequence of strain incompatibility between hard martensite and soft ferrite phases, inhomogeneous deformation and finally deformation localization occur during tensile deformation. Restricted local deformation in ferrite phase caused by the adjacent martensite islands triggers the local stress triaxiality development. As the martensite volume fraction increases, the local deformation restrictions in ferrite phase also increases and which results in higher stress triaxiality development. Similarly the strain partitioning behavior between ferrite matrix and martensite island is also influenced by the volume fraction of martensite. The strain partitioning coefficient increases with increasing martensite volume fraction.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://doi.org/10.1134/S1029959917040070
Uncontrolled Keywords:dual phase steel;representative volume element;strain partitioning;deformation localization;stress triaxiality
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7865
Deposited On:20 Sep 2019 10:08
Last Modified:20 Sep 2019 10:08
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