Microstructural evidence of nano-carbides in medium carbon high silicon multiphase steels

Varshney, A and Sangal, S and Gouthama, and Pramanick, A K and Mondal, K (2017) Microstructural evidence of nano-carbides in medium carbon high silicon multiphase steels. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing , 708 (IF-3.094). pp. 237-247.

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High silicon steels containing 1.5-2 wt% silicon are considered to form carbide free bainite. However, the present work shows experimental evidence for the formation of nano-carbides in a series of medium carbon (0.61 wt%) high silicon (1.71 wt%) low alloy mixed phase steels with the help of transmission electron microscopy. The nano-carbide formation in bainite is attributed to the formation of inter-critical ferrite during continuous cooling, resulting in partitioning of carbon and silicon at the austenite-ferrite interface, leading to an increase in carbon and decrease in silicon at the austenite side of the interface. Due to diffusionless growth of supersaturated bainitic ferrite lath under pars-equilibrium conditions, formation of bainite proceeds with higher carbon and lower silicon, allowing carbide formation in the bainite during subsequent holding at bainitic transformation temperature. Nano-carbides along with mixed phase microstructures are attributed to the excellent combination of high strength and high ductility in the present steels.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mixed phase steel; Bainite; Carbides; Heat treatment; TEM
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7736
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:01 Feb 2018 13:14
Last Modified:01 Feb 2018 15:30
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