Effect of Stress Relief Annealing on Microstructure & Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints Between Low Alloy Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel

Nivas, R and Das, Goutam and Das, S K and Mahato, B and Kumar, Sanjay and Sivaprasad, K and Singh, P K and Ghosh, M (2017) Effect of Stress Relief Annealing on Microstructure & Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints Between Low Alloy Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 48 A(1) (IF-1.874). pp. 230-245.

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Two types of welded joints were prepared using low alloy carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel as base materials. In one variety, buttering material and weld metal were Inconel 82. In another type, buttering material and weld metal were Inconel 182. In case of Inconel 82, method of welding was GTAW. For Inconel 182, welding was done by SMAW technique. For one set of each joints after buttering, stress relief annealing was done at similar to 923 K (650 A degrees C) for 90 minutes before further joining with weld metal. Microstructural investigation and sub-size in situ tensile testing in scanning electron microscope were carried out for buttered-welded and buttered-stress relieved-welded specimens. Adjacent to fusion boundary, heat-affected zone of low alloy steel consisted of ferrite-pearlite phase combination. Immediately after fusion boundary in low alloy steel side, there was increase in matrix grain size. Same trend was observed in the region of austenitic stainless steel that was close to fusion boundary between weld metal-stainless steel. Close to interface between low alloy steel-buttering material, the region contained martensite, Type-I boundary and Type-II boundary. Peak hardness was obtained close to fusion boundary between low alloy steel and buttering material. In this respect, a minimum hardness was observed within buttering material. The peak hardness was shifted toward buttering material after stress relief annealing. During tensile testing no deformation occurred within low alloy steel and failure was completely through buttering material. Crack initiated near fusion boundary between low alloy steel-buttering material for welded specimens and the same shifted away from fusion boundary for stress relieved annealed specimens. This observation was at par with the characteristics of microhardness profile. In as welded condition, joints fabricated with Inconel 82 exhibited superior bond strength than the weld produced with Inconel 182. Stress relief annealing reduced the strength of transition joints and the reduction was maximum for specimen welded with Inconel 82. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2016

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11661-0...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Dissimilar Metal Weld; Transition Region; INCONEL
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7602
Deposited On:18 Aug 2017 09:52
Last Modified:27 Mar 2018 10:03
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