Hot deformation studies on 2.7% Si steel using gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator

Anand, Kumar Aniket and Nageswaran, Kartik and Kumar, Vinod and Saxena, Atul (2016) Hot deformation studies on 2.7% Si steel using gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 58(4) (IF-0.04). pp. 251-258.



Uni-axial hot compression tests were conducted at different temperatures(1173-1423 K) and at strain rates of 0.1, 1, 10 and 100/s using Thermo-mechanical Simulator (Gleeble-3500C System) on a 2.7% Si electrical steel to understand the hot workability issues associated with this steel during hot rolling. The flow curves obtained revealed dynamic recovery as the predominant softening mechanism at majority of hot deformation conditions except at lower temperature and high strain rate where work hardening was observed. However, the work hardening was not very prominent due to ferrite structure throughout the hot deformation temperature range established by Thermo-Calc software. Small amount of cementite (pearlite) transformed from austenite along prior ferrite grain was observed due to presence of carbon in excess of 0.02. Strain rate sensitivity varied within a narrow range of 0.18 - 0.21 with rising tendency with an increase in temperature.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Silicon steel, Electrical steel, Hot deformation, Hot rolling.
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:7582
Deposited On:17 Aug 2017 14:01
Last Modified:15 Sep 2017 11:50
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