Dependence of dielectric constant and loss tangent on electric field in antiferroelectric squaric acid crystal

Khanduri, Prabhat Chandra and Upadhyay, T C (2016) Dependence of dielectric constant and loss tangent on electric field in antiferroelectric squaric acid crystal. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 58(4) (IF 0.04). pp. 213-220.



The double-time thermal Green function method with the symmetric and antisymmetric decoupling scheme and modified pseudospin model proposed by Li and Qin for squaric acid have been used in present study to discuss the effect of electric field on some dielectric properties. Expressions for shift, width, soft mode frequency, dielectric constant, loss and transition temperature have been evaluated. By fitting model values of physical quantities in the theoretical expressions thermal dependence of antiferroelectric mode frequency, dielectric constant and loss have been calculated in presence of electric field in the vicinity of transition temperature. Theoretical results are similar to other antiferroelectric crystals.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Keywords : Dielectric constant, Pseudospin phonon interaction, Antiferroelectric, Electric field, Squaric acid.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7575
Deposited On:17 Aug 2017 14:01
Last Modified:18 Sep 2017 14:54
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