Synthesis of fly ash-calcined clay geopolymers: Reactivity, mechanical strength, structural and microstructural characteristics

Ogundiran, M B and Kumar, Sanjay (2016) Synthesis of fly ash-calcined clay geopolymers: Reactivity, mechanical strength, structural and microstructural characteristics. Construction and Building Materials, 125 (IF-3.169). pp. 450-457.

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The roles of addition of calcined clay (CC) to fly ash and fly ash to CC, on the reactivity, compressive strength, structural and microstructural properties of geopolymers were investigated. Fly ash-CC-based geopolymers containing 0, 25, 50 and 75% fly ash were synthesised using Na2SiO3/NaOH as an activator. X-ray Florescence, XRD, FTIR, ICC and SEM/EDX were applied to characterise source materials, study geopolymerisation processes and geopolymer properties. Calcined clay accelerated dissolution/hydrolysis of fly ash, while fly ash controlled the exothermic reaction that accompanied alkaline dissolution/hydrolysis of CC. The combined roles led to the production of geopolymer with improved properties and compressive strength of 36.7 MPa at 28 days. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Less early reactive fly ash; Early reactive calcined clay; Dissolution/hydrolysis; Experimental/theoretical heat released; Compressive strength
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7484
Deposited On:11 Aug 2017 16:45
Last Modified:20 Sep 2017 14:32
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