Compressive plasticity of a La-based glass-crystal composite at cryogenic temperatures

Madge, S V and Louzguine, D V and Kawashima, A and Greer , A L and Inoue, A (2016) Compressive plasticity of a La-based glass-crystal composite at cryogenic temperatures. Material & Design, 101 (IF- 4.364). pp. 146-151.

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The La55Al25Cu10Ni10-10 vol.% Ti glassy composites have excellent compressive strength and plasticity at room temperature (RT). At cryogenic temperature (77 K), neither the glassy matrix, nor the Ti particles undergo embrittlement, and the composite retains appreciable toughness. Surprisingly, despite significant shear band plasticity at 77 K, failure occurs in a mixed mode manner, with large areas showing quasi-cleavage features that appear to initiate from cracks at the glass-Ti interfaces, which also limit the overall plastic strain. Interface engineering is the key to further alloy development for even better properties. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Bulk metallic glass; Composites; Toughness; Cryogenic plasticity
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7461
Deposited On:20 Jun 2016 13:05
Last Modified:18 Sep 2017 16:28
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