Theoretical Investigation on Deoxidation of Liquid Steel for Fe–Al–Si–O System

Ashok, K and Mandal, G K and Bandyopadhyay, D (2015) Theoretical Investigation on Deoxidation of Liquid Steel for Fe–Al–Si–O System. Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 68 Suppl 1 (IF-0.615). pp. 9-18.

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Deoxidation of liquid steel involves consumption of high energy materials like ferro alloys and generation of deoxidation products which could be entrapped into liquid steel as non-metallic inclusions. The present investigation is focused on deoxidation of liquid steel, considering mainly aluminium and silicon as deoxidizer. A simple and realistic mathematical model of deoxidation of liquid steel has been developed based on the thermodynamic principles and material balance approach for day to day industrial practice. One of the main aims of the theoretical study was to predict the amount of deoxidizers required for a given steel composition. A methodology has also been developed to predict the stability of different oxides expected to be present in liquid steel after deoxidation. Model predictions have been compared with the industrial data as well as results obtained from commercial thermodynamic software package FactSage 6.4, simulated under identical conditions. Model predictions are in reasonable agreement with the ferro alloy consumption in industrial steelmaking processes.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Steelmaking; Deoxidation; Mathematical model; Non-metallic inclusions
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:7251
Deposited On:18 Aug 2015 16:45
Last Modified:18 Aug 2015 16:45
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