Removal of Heavy Metals from Tailing in Citrate Solution with Ferric Chloride

Nguyen, T T and Yoo, Kyoungkeun and Jha, Manis K and Park, Jayhyun and Choi, Uikyu and Choe, Hongil and Lee, Jae-chun (2018) Removal of Heavy Metals from Tailing in Citrate Solution with Ferric Chloride. Materials Transactions, 59(10) . pp. 1665-1668.

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Leaching tests were performed in citrate solution with Fe3+ to investigate the leaching behaviors of As, Zn, Pb, and Cu from tailings, which has been known as soil contaminant sources near abandoned mines. The combination of citrate and Fe3+ was selected based on the previous study, which reported that the oxidants such as Fe3+ was required to remove heavy metals from stable forms like sulfides because citrate could leach metals only in carbonate and oxide forms. The leaching efficiencies of heavy metals except As increased with increasing agitation speed, initial Fe3+ concentration, temperature, but decreasing pulp density; e.g. the efficiencies of Zn, Pb, Cu were almost 100% in the 1 M citric solution with 3 M Fe3+ at 400 rpm and 50°C with 0.25% pulp density within 3 hr, but 7.4% for As. The initial oxidation-reduction potential (vs Ag/AgCl) was reduced from 713.5 mV in FeCl3 solution to 656.1 mV in citrate solution with FeCl3, which would inhibit the dissolution of As because As mineral such as arsenopyrite has high open circuit potential. These results indicate that As could be selectively left in the leach residue using citrate solution with Fe3+.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://doi.10.2320/matertrans.M2018152
Uncontrolled Keywords:citrate, ferric ions, tailings, heavy metals, arsenic
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7239
Deposited On:24 Sep 2019 12:47
Last Modified:24 Sep 2019 12:47
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