Low cycle fatigue behaviour of nickel base superalloy IN 740H at 760° C: Influence of fireside corrosion atmosphere

Jena, P S M and Singh, R K and Mahanta, L and Paswan, S and Sahu, J K (2018) Low cycle fatigue behaviour of nickel base superalloy IN 740H at 760° C: Influence of fireside corrosion atmosphere. International Journal of Fatigue, 116 (IF-3.673). pp. 623-633.

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Interaction of fireside corrosion atmosphere and fatigue damage in A-USC boiler alloy IN 740H was studied by conducting fatigue experiments on bare and salt coated (58%Na2SO4 + 39%K2S2O7 + 2%NaCl + 0.5%CaSO4) specimens at 760 degrees C followed by extensive electron microscopy. The salt mixture fused and released SO3 gas during fatigue tests. Fatigue life was significantly reduced due to fireside corrosion atmosphere. Fluxing of complex oxide layer and extensive surface cracking is ascertained to be the reason of premature fatigue failure at lower Delta epsilon(t)/2 (e.g. 0.3%), however, at higher Delta epsilon(t)/2 e.g. 0.7%, breaking of oxide scales and surface pitting are the causes of early fatigue failure.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2018.07.018
Uncontrolled Keywords:IN 740H; Low cycle fatigue; Fireside corrosion; Oxide fluxing; Pitting;Hot Corrosion; Environments; Alloy; Air
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7237
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:24 Sep 2019 11:05
Last Modified:24 Sep 2019 11:05
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