Desulfurization of Hot Metal Through In Situ Generation of Magnesium in 30-kg Molten Iron Bath-Influence of Inert Gas Flow Rate

Malathi, M and Kumar, Anil and Chacko, Z.E and Godiwalla, K.M and Ajmani, S K and Ranganathan, S (2013) Desulfurization of Hot Metal Through In Situ Generation of Magnesium in 30-kg Molten Iron Bath-Influence of Inert Gas Flow Rate. Steel Research International, 85 (IF-1.15). pp. 927-934.

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In situ generation of magnesium has been used for desulfurizing 30 ‐ kg liquid iron bath. The experiments were carried out under conditions close to industrial operation. This is the first experimental investigation of this scale ever to be reported. The influence of the flow rate of inert gas on the generation of magnesium and the desulfurization process was studied. The degree of desulfurization was modeled in terms of efficiency of generation of magnesium in a reactor designed for this purpose and the efficiency of utilization of magnesium in the bath for desulfurization. The generation of magnesium in the reactor is controlled by mass transfer kinetics in the porous tablets of (MgO þ Al) mixture. It is not influenced by the flow rate of inert gas through the reactor. The degree of utilization of magnesium in the liquid iron bath, for desulfurization, is significantly influenced by the flow rate of inert gas. The predictions of the model are consistent with experimental observations. The efficiency of utilization of magnesium for desulfurization in the bath is comparable to that of the current industrial practice where a mixture of CaO and Mg is used for desulfurization.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:insitu, Magnesium, generation, desulfurisation
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:7171
Deposited By:Dr Malathi M
Deposited On:11 Mar 2015 11:39
Last Modified:11 Mar 2015 11:39
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