Effect of Milling Time on Structural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Garnet Reinforced EN AW6082 Composites

Basariya, M R and Srivastava, V C and Mukhopadhyay, N K (2015) Effect of Milling Time on Structural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Garnet Reinforced EN AW6082 Composites. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 46A(3) (IF-1.730). pp. 1360-1373.

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The morphology, structure, and hardness variations of garnet reinforced EN AW6082 Al-alloy composites have been investigated. High-energy ball milling of EN AW6082 Al-alloy powder, with and without garnet reinforcement, was performed under argon atmosphere for various duration, i.e., up to 50 hours. The study aimed at exploring the role of alloying elements and hard reinforcement particles on the structural evolution at different stages of mechanical mill- ing. The composite powders were characterized in terms of the morphological variation, microstructural evolution, and thermal stability. Conventional microindentation and nanoin- dentation measurements were carried out on the individual powders as well as composite particles to estimate the changes in the mechanical properties of the composites with milling time. The results reveal that incorporation of hard garnet particles hastens the milling effect and leads to significant improvement in hardness and modulus of unreinforced pure aluminum and aluminum alloy. This work has demonstrated the possibility of producing composites from industrial by-product, with properties better than those of aluminum alloys and aluminum- based composites.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11661-...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Garnet, 6082 Al alloy, composite, ball milling
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:7165
Deposited By:Dr. V.C. Srivastava
Deposited On:03 Feb 2015 16:34
Last Modified:18 Mar 2015 10:28
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