Extraction of copper and nickel from ammoniacal leach liquor of Indian Ocean sea nodules

Pandey, B D and Kumar, Vinay (1991) Extraction of copper and nickel from ammoniacal leach liquor of Indian Ocean sea nodules. Hydrometallurgy, 26 (1). pp. 35-45.

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The ammoniacal leach liquor from the dissolution of polymetallic Indian Ocean sea nodules was treated using 25% LIX64N in kerosene as the extractant. The co-extraction of Cu and Ni and their selective stripping produced metal-rich solutions. The nickel solution required purification to remove copper using 10% LIX64N which was finally won by electrolysis in a non-diaphragm cell. The effect of impurities such as Mn and Fe building up due to extraction and nickel winning was observed and controlled by bleeding-off the electrolyte to avoid cracking the deposit. This was studied in a continuous test run of 100 h involving solvent extraction and electrowinning. Copper electrowinning was carried out in a similar way and good metal sheets were produced. Another trial of 55 h was carried out to obtain improved nickel stripping from the loaded organic phase and increased copper enrichment in stripping followed by electrowinning.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-386X(91)90020-M
Uncontrolled Keywords:Copper and nickel; Indian Ocean sea nodules
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:712
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:09 Jun 2010 14:04
Last Modified:07 Feb 2012 14:34
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