Effect of anodization on corrosion behaviour and biocompatibility of Cp-titanium in simulated body fluid

Singh, A and Singh, B P and Wani, M R and Kumar, D and Singh, J K and Singh, Vakil (2013) Effect of anodization on corrosion behaviour and biocompatibility of Cp-titanium in simulated body fluid. Bulletin of Materials Science, 36(5) (IF-0.584). pp. 931-937.

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The objective of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of anodized surface of commercial purity titanium (Cp-Ti) on its corrosion behaviour in simulated body fluid (SBF) and proliferation of osteoblast cells on it, to assess its potentiality as a process of surface modification in enhancing corrosion resistance and osseointegration of dental implants. Highly ordered nano-porous oxide layer, with nano-sized pores, is developed on the surface of Cp-Ti through electrochemical anodization in the electrolyte of aqueous solution of 0 center dot 5% HF at 15 V for 30 min at 24 A degrees C. The nano-porous feature of the anodized surface is characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). Pores of some anodized samples are sealed by exposing the anodized surface in boiling water. Corrosion behaviour of the anodized specimen is studied in Ringer's solution at 30 +/- 2 A degrees C, using electrochemical impedance and cyclic polarization technique. Biocompatibility of the anodized surface is accessed using MG63 osteoblast cells. Both corrosion as well as pitting resistance of Cp-Ti in simulated body fluid are found to be highest in the anodized and sealed condition and followed in decreasing order by those of anodized and unanodized ones. Significantly higher MG63 osteoblast cell proliferations are found on the anodized surface than that on the unanodized one. Anodized Cp-Ti develops nano-size surface pores, like that of natural bone. It enhances corrosion and pitting resistance and also the process of osteoblast cell proliferation on Cp-Ti

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?prod...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Corrosion resistance; pitting resistance; anodization; biocompatibility; MG63 osteoblast cells
Divisions:Corrosion and Surface Engineering
ID Code:6792
Deposited On:30 Dec 2013 11:10
Last Modified:15 Jan 2014 14:53
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