Mineral matter and the nature of pyrite in some high-sulfur tertiary coals of Meghalaya, northeast India

Nayak, B (2013) Mineral matter and the nature of pyrite in some high-sulfur tertiary coals of Meghalaya, northeast India. Journal of the Geological Society, 81(2) . pp. 203-214.

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Coal samples collected from four different sources in the Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, northeast India, have been investigated for their sulfur content, mineral matter, and to assess their potential behavior upon beneficiation. These coals contain high sulfur which occurs both in orga-nic and inorganic forms. The organic sulfur content is much higher than the inorganic sulfur. Studies on differ-ent size and gravity fractions indicated that the mineral phases are concentrated in higher density fractions (d > 1.8) and in general are fine grained (< 50 mu m). Data of reflected-light optical microscope and electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) revealed that minerals in these coals are sulfides-pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, pent-landite; sulfates-barite, jarosite; oxides-hematite, rutile; hydroxides-gibbsite, goethite; phosphate-monazite; carbonate-calcite, siderite and silicates-quartz, mica, chlorite, and kaolinitic clay. The disulfides of iron occur in two modes - mainly pyrite and occasionally marc-asite with wide size ranges and in various forms, such as: framboid, colloidal precipitate, colloform-banded, fine disseminations, discrete grains, dendritic (feathery), recrystallized, nuggets, discoidal, massive, cavity-fracture- and cleat-fillings. Framboidal pyrite has formed primarily due to biological activities of sulfur reducing bacteria in the early stages of coalification. Massive and other varieties have formed at later stages due to coal-escence and recrystallization of the earlier formed pyrites. Sulfur isotopic values indicate a biogenic origin for the pyrites. Association of trace metals, such as Ni, and Zn has been recorded in these pyrites. Given the large fractions of organic sulfur present, these coals can be upgraded only partially to reduce the sulfur content by beneficiation.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://eprint.nmlindia.org/6601
Uncontrolled Keywords:High-sulfur tertiary coal; Pyrite; Mineral matter; Jaintia hills; meghalaya
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:6601
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:15 May 2013 14:37
Last Modified:15 May 2013 14:37
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