Filtration of Iron Ore Slime using Synthesized Co-Polymer

Bhagat, R P and Karmakar, G P and Singh, R P (1997) Filtration of Iron Ore Slime using Synthesized Co-Polymer. In: Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes - Vol I, 16-19 July 1997, I I S, Banglore.



The present paper reports study on filtration of iron ore slimes using the co-polymer synthesized by grafting polyacrylamide chains on starch backbone. The efficacy of the synthesized polymer was tested for the filtration of iron ore slimes following flocculation. The filtration rate increases with increasing flocculant dosage. However, the improvement is marginal at higher flocculant dosage. The filtration rate decreases with increasing pulp density and/or increasing pH. The filtration efficacy of synthe-sized polymer is comparable with the imported one, Magna-floc 1011 at neutral pH. At the alkaline pH, the initial rate of filtration is higher with Magnafloc 1011 compared to the synthesized polymer. The turbidity of filtrate is, however, more than 500 NTU in the former case. The filtra-tion data fits Kozeny's equation at constant pressure.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:filtration; polyacrylamide; co-polymer; polysaccharides
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:6558
Deposited On:23 Apr 2013 11:55
Last Modified:23 Apr 2013 11:56
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