Studies on pellet-sinter composite agglomeration for blast furnace ironmaking

Pal, J and Venugopalan, T and Ghorai, S and Goswami, M C and Prakash, S and Konar, J and Singh, D P (2013) Studies on pellet-sinter composite agglomeration for blast furnace ironmaking. Collaborative (CLP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

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Pellet-Sinter composite agglomerate (P-SCA) is a mass containing acid pellet and basic sinter. In this study, the green pellets (10-15 mm), made up of Noamundi iron ore fines (2150 Blaine No) were mixed with a basic sinter mix of same ore of coarser size (-10 mm). A good quality P-SCA with 27% RDI, 91% shatter index and 70% RI could be developed. The normal (usual) sintering without pellet in identical conditions has also been carried out and the sinter quality has been compared with developed P-SCA. It has been found to consume lower amount of coke breeze and pyroxenite for achieving similar quality of P-SCA wth lower overall basicity. Fines acceptance capacity has also been improved by 30% with respect to the normal sintering.

Item Type:Project Reports (Collaborative (CLP))
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Pellet sinter composie agglomerate, Fines utilization, sintering, pelletization
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:6514
Deposited By:Dr. J Pal
Deposited On:04 Sep 2014 16:04
Last Modified:04 Sep 2014 16:04
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