Study of Structural Evaluation and Mechanical properties of IF Steel and Aluminium sheets processes by ARB process

Srivastava, V C and Mishra, Suman K and Das, Goutam and Ghosh, R N (2006) Study of Structural Evaluation and Mechanical properties of IF Steel and Aluminium sheets processes by ARB process. Exploratory (OLP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

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In recent years research on the processing, structure and mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline (d < 100 nm) and ultra-fine grained (100<d<1 lm) materials has thrived[1]. Both the promising structural properties, such as elevated strength, good wear resistance and high tough-ness, as well as the potential for superplasticity at low temperatures and high strain rates [2,3], constitute the driving force for this flourshing field. Processing homog-eneous bulk nano and ultra-fine grained (ufg) structures is complex endeavor.

Item Type:Project Reports (Exploratory (OLP))
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:polycrystalline; micrometer; complex endeavor; driving force
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6461
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:12 Aug 2013 11:44
Last Modified:11 Sep 2013 17:32
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