Study of Damage and Fracture Toughness due to Influence fo Creep and Fatigue of Commercially Pure Copper by Monotonic and Cyclic Indentation

Ghosh, Sabita and Prakash, R V (2013) Study of Damage and Fracture Toughness due to Influence fo Creep and Fatigue of Commercially Pure Copper by Monotonic and Cyclic Indentation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science , 44A(1) (IF-1.738). pp. 224-234.

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Fracture toughness is the ability of a component containing a flow to resist fracture. In the current study, the Ball indentation (BI) test technique, which is well acknowledged as an alternative approach to evaluate mechanical properties of materials due to its semi-nondestructive, fast, and high accurate qualities is used to estimate damage and the fracture toughness for copper samples subjected to varying levels of creep and fatigue. The indentation fracture toughness shows the degradation of Cu samples when they are subjected to different creep conditions. Axial fatigue cycling increases the strength at the mid-gauge section compared to other regions of the samples due to initial strain hardening. The advancement of indentation depth with indentation fatigue cycles experiences transient stage, i.e., jump in indentation depth has been observed, which may be an indication of failure and followed by a steady state with almost constant depth propagation with indentation cycles.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:fracture toughness; mechanical properties; transient stage; Nanoindentation
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6405
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:28 Feb 2013 13:20
Last Modified:08 Oct 2020 12:53
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