Heat Treatment Induced Martensitic Accommodation and Adaptive Anisotropy in Melt Spun Ni55Mn22Ga23 (at.%) ribbons

Singh, S and Roy, Rajat K and Ghosh, M and Mitra , A and Panda, A K (2012) Heat Treatment Induced Martensitic Accommodation and Adaptive Anisotropy in Melt Spun Ni55Mn22Ga23 (at.%) ribbons. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(10) .

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The effect of annealing on melt spun Ni55Mn22Ga23 (at. %) ribbon has been addressed in terms of structural, thermal, thermomagnetic, and magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) behaviour. In comparison to as-spun ribbons, the samples annealed within the L2(1) domain at 1073K for 30 h with subsequent furnace cooling, showed a rise in martensitic transformation temperature. This was endorsed from elec-tron microscopy studies revealing change in morphology of martensite plate and stacking of dislocations in a preferential orientation. The mechanism is associated to martensitic accommodation which enhanced ferro-elastic magnetic coupling and also lowered magnetic coercivity. Such accommodations and adaptive anisotropy improved the MFIS behavior in the annealed sample.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?prod...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Shape-Memory alloys; Magnetic-Field; Atomic order; Structrual-Properties
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6347
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:04 Mar 2013 13:21
Last Modified:16 Aug 2013 12:52
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