Performance of ZrB2–Cu composite as an EDM electrode

Khanra, A K and Sarkar, B R and Bhattacharya, B and Pathak, L C and Godkhindi, M M (2007) Performance of ZrB2–Cu composite as an EDM electrode. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 183 (1). pp. 122-126.



The low wear resistance of electrodes like Cu, Cu alloys and graphite is a major problem for electrical discharge machining (EDM) operation. Here an attempt has been made to develop a metal matrix composite (ZrB2–Cu) to get an optimum combination of wear resistance, electrical and thermal conductivity. The ZrB2–Cu composite have been developed by adding different amounts of Cu and tested as a tool material at different process parameters of EDM during machining of mild steel. The ZrB2–40 wt.% Cu composite shows more metal removal rate (MRR) with less tool removal rate (TRR) than commonly used Cu tool. But the diameteral overcut and average surface roughness are found to be lesser in case of Cu tool than composite tool. The tools and workpiece surfaces are analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM)/EDS and XRD technique.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:EDM; Electrode; Composite; Sintering; Metal removal rate; SEM
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:618
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:02 Jun 2010 11:08
Last Modified:03 Jan 2012 12:21
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