Effect of NaCl on the synthesis of TiB2 powder by a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technique

Khanra, A K and Pathak, L C and Mishra, Suman K and Godkhindi, M M (2004) Effect of NaCl on the synthesis of TiB2 powder by a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technique. Materials Letters, 58 (5). pp. 733-738.

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The self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) of sub-micrometer-sized TiB2 powders were investigated by igniting the stoichiometric mixture of TiO2, H3BO3, and Mg powders and with the addition of different percentages of NaCl as SHS diluents in a resistance-heating furnace. The combustion reaction carried out in inert atmosphere (Ar) showed the SHS ignition at a temperature ≈680 °C. The samples were investigated by XRD, SEM/EDS, and TEM/EDS during different stages of synthesis. The addition of diluents reduced the grain growth of particle possibly by reducing the adiabatic temperatures and giving a coating on the TiB2 particles.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2003.06.003
Uncontrolled Keywords:TiB2; SHS; Ceramics; Diborides; Ultra-fine powders, Preparation
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:558
Deposited On:18 May 2010 12:06
Last Modified:03 Jan 2012 12:18
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