Rice-Husk-Ash Cement - A Review

James, J and Rao, MS (1992) Rice-Husk-Ash Cement - A Review. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research , 51 (5). pp. 383-393.

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The use of silica from rice-husk for the production of various materials, including rice-husk ash-lime binder, has gained significance. In this context, the decomposition of husk, the properties of the silica ash, including its crystallization and the ash-lime reaction, are reviewed. The mechanism of ash-lime reaction is controlled mostly by the development of osmotic pressure. For lime-deficient ash-lime mixtures the reaction is complete in the initial few days and therefore no strength development is observed for such mortars in the later ages. The use of optimum ash/lime ratio is recommended for obtaining consistently good performance for the mortar. A method for the determination of this ratio is also discussed.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?prod...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Silica; Hulls; Lime
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:5347
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:23 May 2012 10:42
Last Modified:23 May 2012 10:42
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