Zeta-potential and adsorption studies of the chalcopyrite-sodium diethyl dithio carbamate system

Mangalam, V and Khangaonkar, P R (1985) Zeta-potential and adsorption studies of the chalcopyrite-sodium diethyl dithio carbamate system. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 15 (4). pp. 269-280.

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Zeta-potential and adsorption experiments were carried out for the chalcopyrite (fines)-sodium diethyl dithiocarb-amate system. Correlation between zeta-potential and adsorption is examined. The nature of adsorption at the chalcopyrite/H, 0/diethyl dithio carbamate interface is evaluated by using various models.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?prod...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Zeta-potential and adsorption; Metallurgy
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:5223
Deposited On:11 May 2012 16:43
Last Modified:01 Feb 2013 16:59
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