Semisolid processing of short and long freezing range Cu alloys by electric current

Prodhan, A (2011) Semisolid processing of short and long freezing range Cu alloys by electric current. Materials Science and Technology . pp. 1513-1517.

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The present study reports the effect of ac (50 Hz) electric current treatment (ECT) on short freezing range (Cu-Ni) and long freezing range (Cu-Sn) alloys. This treatment was conducted during the semisolid state of the alloys, i.e. during casting in sand moulds. In isomorphous Cu-Ni alloy, with gradual increase in the electric current, first, the dendrites are refined; then, the re-fined dendrites are fragmented; and finally, the frag-mented dendrites are refined. The ECT also reduces homogen-isation treatment time. It is observed that a small amount of electric energy spent during sand casting saves consi-derable amount of energy for homogenisation treatment. The sand castings of Cu-Sn (peritectic) alloys are very much prone to interdendritic shrinkage. Thus, the density of castings is reduced. However, the ECT during casting increases the density of castings by reducing interden-dritic shrinkage, modifies phase diagram of Cu-Sn alloy, increases volume fraction of the primary alpha phase (Cu) and reduces volume fraction of the peritectic phase. The ECT also refines the peritectic phase that transforms to delta phase on cooling to room temperature.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cu alloys; semisolid sand casting; electric current treatment
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:5018
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:19 Apr 2012 17:41
Last Modified:11 May 2012 14:08
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