Development reaction synthesis process of novel Al-alloys -TiB2 metal matrix composites by in-situ

Nimbalkar, V M and Rao, B R K and Deshmukha, V P and Shah, A K and Marathe, K V (2011) Development reaction synthesis process of novel Al-alloys -TiB2 metal matrix composites by in-situ. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 53 (2). pp. 197-203.

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Among the numerous methods of production discontinuously reinforced metal-matrix composites, technologies allowing in-situ production of the reinforcing production of the reinforcing phase offer significant advantages from a technical and economic standpoint. There has been a constant drive for replacing commercial Al and monolithic aluminium alloys by aluminium based metal matrix composites (MMCs) in manyindustrial applications where high stiffness and high strength to weight ratio are required. The present paper describes a cost effective route to produce Al and Al- alloy-10 wt % TiB2 metal matrix composites by in-situ molten flux assisted reaction synthesis.The in-situ formation of a ceramic second phase provides greater control of size and level of reinforcement, yielding better tailorability of the composite properties. In-Situ Al and Al - Alloy -TiB2 composite material prepared by reaction synthesis was cast into thick as well as thin section industrial components by gravity and pressure die casting route. Subsequent structure-property evaluation studies indicated sub-micron size reinforcement of in-situ formed TiB2 particles with improved physical and mechanical properties as compared to conventional Al, Al-Alloys & its composites. From commercial point of view, the Al-Alloy-TiB2 composite has an advantage of easy recycle ability over conventional Al-alloy composites.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Metal Matrix Composite, Ex-situ, In-situ, Sub-micron size reinforcement
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:4775
Deposited On:10 Feb 2012 14:19
Last Modified:07 Aug 2015 14:31
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