Complex dielectric constant measurement of glass epoxy and zinc oxide at temperature ranging from -1960C to +2000C at microwave frequencies

Calla, O P N and Rathore, Inder Singh (2011) Complex dielectric constant measurement of glass epoxy and zinc oxide at temperature ranging from -1960C to +2000C at microwave frequencies. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 53 (2). pp. 161-173.

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Complex Dielectric Constant of Glass Epoxy and Zinc Oxide at temperature varying from -196°C to +200°C has been measured at microwave frequencies 1.7GHz, 2.5GHz, 6.6GHz and 31.6GHz using Wave Guide Cell Method. For accurate measurement, the measurement was repeated number of times at temperatures ranging from -196°C to 200°C and the average value of complex dielectric constant have been reported. The materials for this observation have been selected because they are the most commonly used in the electronics industries due to its low cost and wide availability.Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound. Structures like nano-wires, nano-belts and nanorings are of great interest in photonics research, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, and biomedicine also used in variety of application like thin film transistor and LED. Glass epoxy is widely used in fabrication of printed circuit board. FR-4/glass epoxy is a popular and versatile high pressure thermoset plastic laminate grade with good strength to weight ratios. With near zero water absorption FR-4 is most commonly used as an electrical insulator possessing considerable mechanical strength. The material is known to retain its high mechanical values and electrical insulating qualities in both dry and humid conditions.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Dielectric Constant, Glass Epoxy, Zinc Oxide, Two point Method, Microwave frequencies.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:4771
Deposited On:10 Feb 2012 15:13
Last Modified:25 Apr 2013 17:19
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