Selective recovery of gold from waste mobile phone PCBs by hydrometallurgical process

Kim, Eun-young and Kim, Min-seuk and Lee, Jae-chun and Pandey, B D (2011) Selective recovery of gold from waste mobile phone PCBs by hydrometallurgical process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 198 . pp. 206-215.

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The leaching of gold from the scrap mobile phone PCBs by electro-generated chlorine as an oxidant and its recovery by ion exchange process was investigated. The leaching experiments were carried out by employing separate leaching reactor connected with the anode compartment of a Cl2 gas generator. The leaching of gold increased with increase in temperature and initial concentration of chlorine, and was favorable even at low concentration of acid, whereas copper leaching increased with increase in concentration of acid and decrease in temperature. In a two-stage leaching process, copper was mostly dissolved (97%) in 165 min at 25 °C during the 1st stage leaching in 2.0 mol/L HCl by electro-generated chlorine at a current density of 714 A/m2 along with a minor recovery of gold (5%). In the 2nd stage gold was mostly leached out (93% recovery, ∼67 mg/L) from the residue of the 1st stage by the electro-generated chlorine in 0.1 mol/L HCl. Gold recovery from the leach liquor by ion exchange using Amberlite XAD-7HP resin was found to be 95% with the maximum amount of gold adsorbed as 46.03 mg/g resin. A concentrated gold solution, 6034 mg/L with 99.9% purity was obtained in the ion exchange process.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Gold; Copper; PCBs (printed circuit boards); Electro-generated Cl2 leaching; Amberlite XAD-7HP
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:4228
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:05 Nov 2011 12:42
Last Modified:28 Nov 2011 10:31
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