Bio-processing of solid wastes and secondary resources for metal extraction – A review

Lee, Jae-chun and Pandey, B D (2012) Bio-processing of solid wastes and secondary resources for metal extraction – A review. Waste Management, 32 . pp. 3-18.

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Metal containing wastes/byproducts of various industries, used consumer goods, and municipal waste are potential pollutants, if not treated properly. They may also be important secondary resources if processed in eco-friendly manner for secured supply of contained metals/materials. Bio-extraction of metals from such resources with microbes such as bacteria, fungi and archaea is being increasingly explored to meet the twin objectives of resource recycling and pollution mitigation. This review focuses on the bioprocessing of solid wastes/byproducts of metallurgical and manufacturing industries, chemical/petrochemical plants, electroplating and tanning units, besides sewage sludge and fly ash of municipal incinerators, electronic wastes (e-wastes/PCBs), used batteries, etc. An assessment has been made to quantify the wastes generated and its compositions, microbes used, metal leaching efficiency etc. Processing of certain effluents and wastewaters comprising of metals is also included in brief. Future directions of research are highlighted.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.08.010
Uncontrolled Keywords:Bio-processing Wastes; Secondary resources; Metals Microbes
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:4200
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:03 Nov 2011 11:01
Last Modified:15 Jan 2014 12:33
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