New combination of polishing and etching technique for revealing grain structure of an annealed aluminum (AA1235) alloy

Roy, Rajat K and Das, Siddhartha (2006) New combination of polishing and etching technique for revealing grain structure of an annealed aluminum (AA1235) alloy. New combination of polishing and etching technique for revealing grain structure of an annealed aluminum (AA1235) alloy, 41 . pp. 289-292.

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A new combination of polishing and etching technique has been developed for revealing the grain structure of commercial pure aluminum (AA1235) alloy. Several etchants have been used in this investigation, and it is found that Modified Poulton’s reagent-solution is the best etchant to reveal the grain structure of aluminium alloys.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Mechanical polishing, Etching, Commercial pure aluminium, Poulton’s reagent-solution.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:4082
Deposited By:Dr Rajat Roy
Deposited On:07 Feb 2012 12:54
Last Modified:08 Feb 2012 16:42
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