Recent developments in flotation for the beneficiation of lowgrade finely disseminated ores

Bhaskar Raju, G (2009) Recent developments in flotation for the beneficiation of lowgrade finely disseminated ores. Mining Engineers Journal (December). pp. 11-23.



Rapid increase in consumption rate of metals and minerals over the last few decades and consequent depletion of mineral resources have necessitated the effective utilization oflow-grade finely disseminated ores. The utilization of such reserves and recycling of metallic waste can help to maintain an adequate supply of minerals to meet economic and strategic needs of our nation. Since the yield of low-grade ores is generally very low, the technoiQgy/ process should be efficient to make it cost effictive. Recent equipments like flotation column and Jameson ceil which are basically designed to float fine particles are energy efficient. Selective reagents are being designed for the separation of individual minerals from complex assemblage. The necessity of biodegradable and eco-friendly reagents is highlighted. In the present paper; recent developments in flotation celis and beneficiation of low-grade ores was presented and discussed. Beneficiation of low-grade barite sample from Mangampet deposit was conducted both by direct flotation using oleic acid and reverse flotation by cationic collector. Production of barite concentrate assaying Less than 1% silica by reverseflotation was demonstrated. Similarly, limestone concentrate assaying 97% of CaC03 and Less than 1% Si02 was achieved by reverseflotation process. The viability offlotation processfor up-graddtion of siliceous iron ores waS also studied and discussed.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Barite, beneficiation, waste dump, reverse flotation, oleic acid
Divisions:NML Chennai > Mineral Processing
ID Code:4025
Deposited By:Dr. G Bhaskar Raju
Deposited On:26 Sep 2011 14:54
Last Modified:13 Dec 2011 16:56
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