Oxide Layer Formation on Al-Si-Zr Alloy using Anodizing process

Dhayal, Ashok Kumar and Pramanick, A K (2011) Oxide Layer Formation on Al-Si-Zr Alloy using Anodizing process. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

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Anodizing is a process for producing decorative and protective films on articles made from aluminium and its alloys. It is essentially the process of producing the film of aluminium oxide which forms on aluminium when direct current at sufficient voltage is passed through a suitable electrolyte in which the aluminium is the anode and a suitable material is cathode. By far the largest amount of anodizing is carried out in an electrolyte consisting of sulphuric acid dissolved in water. For some special aircraft requirements chromic acid solutions are used, whilst oxalic acid anodizing was used widely for many years, particularly in Germany and Japan, and still find limited application. Phosphoric acid anodizing has been used as a basis for plating but now the use of zincate immersion deposit processes is general practice. Other specialized electrolytes or mixtures of electrolytes have found limited fields of application. One of the most important of these is the use of sodium ammonium borate or ammonium phosphate electrolytes for electrolytic condensers.

Item Type:Project Reports (Training Report (TR))
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/3843
Uncontrolled Keywords:Anodized film, Aluminium, Oxygen ions
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:3843
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:29 Aug 2011 17:54
Last Modified:17 Jul 2018 10:26
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