Hardbanding failure in a heavy weight drill pipe

Murthy, G V S and Das, Goutam and Das, Swapan K and Praveen, Nikhat and Singh, S R (2011) Hardbanding failure in a heavy weight drill pipe. Engineering Failure Analysis, 18 (5). pp. 1395-1402.

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A heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) is a type of drill pipe whose walls are thicker and collars are longer than conventional drill pipe. HWDP should be stronger and should have higher tensile strength than conventional drill pipe, as it is placed near the top of a long drill string. Drill pipes are subjected to various types of loads and are operated under different environmental conditions. The heavy weight drill pipes are the most expensive elements of the drill pipe string and their durability is essential for the economical drill work efficiency. In the exploration work, abrasive wear occurs and the durability of the heavy weight drill pipe is decreased. The abrasive wear is the result of the friction between the heavy weight drill pipe with the inner surface of the casing or the open hole wall. In order to improve the wear resistance of heavy weight drill pipes the hardbanding technology is worldwide applied.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://dx.doi.org.scopeesprx.elsevier.com/10.1016/...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Drill pipe; Hardbanding; Charpy energy; Pearlite; Pro-eutectoid grain boundary ferrite
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:3715
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:04 Aug 2011 12:53
Last Modified:21 Nov 2011 17:22
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