Das, Suchandan K and Godiwalla, K M and Mehrotra, S P (2007) A mathematical model for prediction of physical properties of the coke oven charge during carbonisation. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 26 (1). pp. 43-57.
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Mathematical models for the prediction of physical properties of the charge (e.g specific heat, density, and thermal conductivity) and heat of reaction during thermal decomposition of coal to coke have been constructed in terms of the changes in the chemical composition and structure. For realistic quantification of thermal transport processes in the oven, it is essential to predict the physical properties, of the charge as they evolve during the carbonisation process. The models are based on the predictive procedure developed to address volatile matter evolution during carbonisation from knowledge of coal proximate analysis, ultimate analysis and heating profile. A first principle based formalism has been adopted to predict the physical properties of the charge and heat of carbonisation reaction as a function of the charge temperature during carbonisation supported with pertinent data. The predictions have been validated with published data, wherever 'possible. The models of physical properties are expected to generate critical temperature dependent property data of the oven charge' which would be vital for further development of a rigorous oven heat transfer model during carbonisation.
Item Type: | Article |
Official URL/DOI: | http://apps.isiknowledge.com/full_record.do?produc... |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | process modelling; coke oven; physical properties; volatile evolution; carbonisation; heat of reaction |
Divisions: | Mathematical Modelling and Simulation |
ID Code: | 3376 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 15 Jul 2011 16:24 |
Last Modified: | 14 Dec 2011 14:49 |
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