Comparison of hot rolled textures in different grades of high formable steels

Humane, M M and Vaish, A K and Swaminathan, J and Ravi Kumar, B and De, P K and Peshwe, D R and Paretkar, R K (2006) Comparison of hot rolled textures in different grades of high formable steels. Steel Research International, 77 (6). pp. 445-449.

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During hot rolling of steels phase transformation takes place. Hot band texture and hot band grain size largely influence the texture formation of cold rolled and annealed steels. Generally, a strong crystallographic relationship exists between the parent austenite phase and the product ferrite phase. The present investigation incorporates a comparative study of hot band texture formation in austenitic zone in extra deep drawing (EDD), interstitial free (IF) and interstitial free- high strength (IF-HS) steels. The intensities of hot band texture in IF-HS steel [f(g) = 19.6] were found to be much stronger in comparison to EDD [f(g) = 3.9] and IF [f(g) = 1.4] steels.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:austenitic rolling; austenite; ferrite; transformation texture; EDD steel; IF steel; IF-HS steel
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:3365
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:19 Jul 2011 11:58
Last Modified:03 Mar 2014 10:17
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